last night in Portland got rained out. We had spent the night
camping through one pretty huge rain/wind storm, and an even larger
one, with 100 km/h winds, was forecast to come through, so we decided
we'd just head to Portland for an overnight, and then home. Since
we had time, we thought we'd stop in Port Townsend, which looked like
this when we rolled in:
We didn't have high hopes for it, but it turned out to be really nice!
got a hotel room right on the main street. It was a huge suite -
this is me in the dining room, as seen from the full kitchen!
Reasonably priced and it was in a cool old fixed up hotel from
the 1890's.
The sun also came out - first time in days! So we were able to walk around and check out the town.
Our hotel is the main building in the background.
This is the inside of the old hotel - lovingly restored!
Townsend has hung on to and restored many of its old heritage buildings
- much like Victoria, albeit smaller. Now, many of the buildings
are restaurants, cafes or boutiques.
Townsend is less than an hour's drive from Port Angeles, so it wasn't
far to get back. This was taken from the deck of the Coho, with
Cheryl in the background.
with Port Angeles in the background. This was the most sun we'd
seen in days. Funny how often it seems that when coming back to
Victoria from a trip, the weather improves upon arrival. It's
nice to be coming home to such a great place!